Information obligations pursuant to Section 18 (2) of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act / Batteries Act

Article 2 of the Implementing Act of the Waste Framework Directive (German acronym: AbfRRL, printed matter 88/20) provides for an amendment to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act in Section 18. Accordingly, the status of compliance with the quantitative targets under Section 10 (3) and Section 22 (1) of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act must be published annually by producers. The law came into force in October 2020.

Herewith get-e-right GmbH, as an authorized representative in the sense of the German Elektronikgerätegesetz / ElektroG fulfills this new obligation for all customers who have made get-e-right their authorized representative and have an active contract in progress.

Status of the quantitative targets under Section 10 (3) and Section 22 (1) of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act, provided by our partner company take-e-way:

Information obligations pursuant to Section 18 (2) of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act

Take-back, labelling and information obligations pursuant to the [German] Batteries Act (BattG)